Innovative solutions for laboratories of different profile and health care system institutions

Offers for clinics and laboratories allowing to force researches, diagnose orphan diseases, apply progressive treatment methods in their practice in accordance with the requirements of national and international standards.
Equipment for Blood Centers and transfusion medicine departments. Our solutions help to apply modern approaches to the diagnosis and treatment of blood disease, as well as to carry out immunohematologic studies, to prepare donated blood and its components using modern methods.
Our solutions allow you to set up routine control quality in pharmaceutical production in conjunction with the development of new pharmaceutical products.
Our solutions for forensic medical laboratories allow us to apply modern approaches to ballistic, trace examination, as well as technical documentation expertise.
Close control laboratory equipment, reagents and software solve the full scope typical for agricultural companies, prepare products for launch in accordance with local and international regulatory norms and standards.
Complex solutions for the implementation of control technologies: from routine control quality to control in highly scientific study of various materials. We offer a wide range of microscopes and cameras for microscopy of world brands that allow you to achieve maximum results in laboratory research and quality control of materials.
We offer best-in-class solutions for applied and scientific research in the field of chemical analysis and molecular biology: professional equipment, expendable materials and implementation of modern methodological approaches.
High quality equipment to control quality of food products at each stage of its production in accordance with world standards, solutions for analysing food products for the presence of heavy metals, toxins, GMO, food pathogens and other substances.
We specialize in the latest solutions aimed at determining and controlling the level of environmental pollution. We provide modern equipment to analyse contaminants in air, water, soil.
Offers for clinics and laboratories allowing to force researches, diagnose orphan diseases, apply progressive treatment methods in their practice in accordance with the requirements of national and international standards.
Equipment for Blood Centers and transfusion medicine departments. Our solutions help to apply modern approaches to the diagnosis and treatment of blood disease, as well as to carry out immunohematologic studies, to prepare donated blood and its components using modern methods.
Our solutions allow you to set up routine control quality in pharmaceutical production in conjunction with the development of new pharmaceutical products.
Our solutions for forensic medical laboratories allow us to apply modern approaches to ballistic, trace examination, as well as technical documentation expertise.
Close control laboratory equipment, reagents and software solve the full scope typical for agricultural companies, prepare products for launch in accordance with local and international regulatory norms and standards.
Complex solutions for the implementation of control technologies: from routine control quality to control in highly scientific study of various materials. We offer a wide range of microscopes and cameras for microscopy of world brands that allow you to achieve maximum results in laboratory research and quality control of materials.
We offer best-in-class solutions for applied and scientific research in the field of chemical analysis and molecular biology: professional equipment, expendable materials and implementation of modern methodological approaches.
High quality equipment to control quality of food products at each stage of its production in accordance with world standards, solutions for analysing food products for the presence of heavy metals, toxins, GMO, food pathogens and other substances.
We specialize in the latest solutions aimed at determining and controlling the level of environmental pollution. We provide modern equipment to analyse contaminants in air, water, soil.
We provide the latest chemical and spectral analysis technology to help drive researches and development in the energy branch.
The newest developments and technologies in transplantation, and methodological support and training for laboratory support specialists, that help support the industry’s growth and accelerate the introduction of transplant technologies into general medical practice.
Unleash the potential
innovative technologies for the sake of
the health and safety of the nation